1989 : Timisoara (Roumanie) – 1999 : Racak (Kosovo)


La responsable finlandaise des autopsies du "massacre de Racak" dément aujourd'hui ce médiamensonge officiel qui servit de base pour faire approuver l'intervention de l'Otan contre la Yougoslavie. Racak fut une bataille entre deux armées (serbe et UCK), et non un massacre de civils. Confirmant ce que nous écrivions dans notre livre Monopoly page 13 – 23.

Une traduction en français serait bienvenue…

Racak (99) : the key expert of Nato turns against the official media version and the Hague tribunal New elements demonstrate this was the big medialie of Nato

In Januari 99, the whole Western press presented the "Racak massacre" as the "justification" for the Nato invasion of Yugoslavia.

It was said that the Serbian army had "massacred" 40 inno cent villagers. But today Finnish pathologist Helena Ranta, who led forensic investigations into the case, says for the first time that Serb security troops were also killed.

This prooves that it was not a "massacre of civilians", but a fight between two armies, as we wrote in our book Monopoly ("Nato conquerring the world", Brussels 2000, Spain 2000, New York 2004).

Ranta told B92 (Belgrade) today that she had received information about the death of Serb troops in Racak in 1999. "I was told there were victims of both Serbian forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army murdered in Racak on Friday, January 15, 1999. I didn't see the list of Serb victims. I was shown only a list of victims from the ranks of the Kosovo Liberation Army", she said. She also ques tioned why photographs taken before the arrival of international monitors had not been published. Instead, only those taken by OSCE monitors have appeared in public.

In the Berliner Zeitung (17/I/04), Ranta also said the work of the Hague tribunal (against Milosevic) regarding the so-called Racak massacre was incomprehensible. The former head of the forensic team the European Union sent, criticized the UN tribunal for not following up the evidence that there was heavy fighting between Serb soldiers and the Kosovo-Albanian fighters during that night. "At that time I received information that proved that several Serb soldiers had been killed as well. Unfortunately, we will never know the exact number of Serb soldiers that died that night." It would be appropriate "to ask the tribunal why they are not interested in that number."

In our book Monopoly, we had exposed the dubious role in this affair by the US diplomat William Walker, a CIA agent. We have been accused of denying the evidence.

This revelation shows it is necessary to reopen the debate about Yugoslavia. The whole "communication" about Kosovo was orchestrated from Brussels by Alastair Campbell, Bliar's assistant, who just resigned when he was unmasked after the recent medialies about Iraq.

Our recent film The Damned of Kosovo shows that the situation now in Kosovo is dramatic : a veritable ethnic cleansing of all non-Albanian nationalities : Serbs, Roms, Jews, Moslims, Turks, Gorans… Maffia and terrorism dominate Kosovo today while Washington installed a huge military basis just on the spot of his project op pipe-line through the Balkans. Washington rents installations for bombers for 99 years ! How can this help the local populations ? It is time to reopen the debate and find if Washington lied also about Kosovo.

Ranta criticized the indictment against former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic in the case of Racak for mostly following the Walker version. "When Ambassador Walker said that there was a massacre at Racak, this statement had no legal value. I declared at that time that the OSCE-observers forgot to take all steps necessary to secure a crime scene: isolating the area, refusing admission to all unauthorized persons and collecting all material evidence."

Ranta demanded that in addition to the OSCE pictures the tribunal also use the pictures taken by two additional photographers, shot several hours prior to the arrival of OCSE-observers. The pictures show "that at least one of the bodies was moved afterwards". That body is not seen on OSCE-pictures."

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